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The charts and tables on the following pages present only the most popular alloys and alloy families, showing in many instances the minimum mechanical properties which are obtainable.


Strength PSI
Alloy  Similar Castability Condition Tensile Yield    % Min Remarks
UNS NBR Designation Elong Hardness
1010 IC 1010 Fair As Cast 50,000 30,000 30 HRB50 Electrical components,
(G10100) weldable; no post heat
1015 IC1015 Fair As Cast 50,000 30,000 25 HRB55 High impact strength,, carburizing wedable; no post heat
1018 QQ S 681 Fair As Cast 65,000 45,000 20 HRB60 High impact strength,, carburizing  wedable; no post heat
(G10180) Annealed 65,000 35,000 25 HRB60
  Norm&Draw 300°F 10,000 45,000 25 HRBB70
1020 IC1020 Fair As Cast 60,000 45,000 20 HRB60 High impact strength,, carburizing  wedable ;  no post heat
(G10300) MIL S22141 Annealed 57,500 37,500 28 HRB60
    Norm&Draw 300°F 65,000 45,000 20 HRB60
1030 IC1030 Good As Cast 70,000 45,000 12 HRB70 Fusion welding or flame hardening grade
(G10300) MIL S22141 Annealed 65,000 40,000 25 HRB70
1040 IC1040 Good As Cast 85,000 55,000 7 HRB85 Medium strength structural parts
(G10400) MIL S22141 Annealed 70,000 40,000 22 HRB70
    Quench&Draw 300°F 135,000 90,000 8 HRC28
    Quench &Draw1000°F 100,000 90,000 10 HRC24
1045 QQ S 681 Good Annealed 75,000 40,000 20 HRB75 Medium strength structural parts
(G10450) Quench&Drawn 140,000 95,000 7 HRC30
1050 IC1050 Good Annealed 90,000 45,000 14 HRB85 Induction hardening
(G10500) MIL S22141 Quench&Drawn 150,000 100,000 6 HRC35
1060 IC1060 Good Annealed 100,000 55,000 12 HRB90 Good strength and impact combination
(G10600) Quench&Drawn 160,000 140,000 3 HRC57
1095 IC1095 Good Annealed 100,000 70,000 20 HRB95 General purpose, high carbon tool steel
(G10950) SAE 1095 Quench&Drawn 200,000 150,000 9 HRC52
4130 AMS 5336 Very Annealed 80,000 60,000 18 HRB85 Structural parts requiring welding, high fatigue resistance and strength
(G41300) MIL S 22141 Good Quench&Temper350°F 200,000 170,000 6 HRC38
  QQ S 681   Quench&Temper 1250°F 105,000 85,000 18 HRC42
6150 IC6150 Very Annealed 100,000 60,000 12 HRB90 High strength and hardness
(G61500) MIL S 22141 Good Quench&Temper350°F 230,000 210,000 2 HRC45
      Quench&Temper 1250°F 110,000 90,000 10 HRC33
8620 MIL S 22141 Good Annealed 70,000 50,000 22 HRB80 Carburizing alloy steel for stressed parts
(G862000) QQ S 681 Quench&Temper1200°F 100,000 80,000 16 HRC28
8730 IC8730 Good Annealed 80,000 60,000 18 HRB85 Structural parts; Good combination of fatigue, wear resistance and hardness
(G87300) MIL S 22141 Quench&Temper350°F 200,000 170,000 6 HRC38
  QQ S 681 Quench&Temper 1250°F 105,000 85,000 18 HRC42
52100 IC52100   Annealed 90,000   1 HRC25Max Structural parts ;good combination of fatigue and hardness
(G51986) MIL S 22141 Good Quench&Temper800°F 220,000 220,000 5 HRC46
      Quench&Temper1000°F 180,000 170,000   HRC58
Nitralloy   Fair Annealed 90,000 45,000 12 HRB91 Nitriding steel
(J24056) MIL S 22141 Quench&Temper1100°F 140,000 125,000 8 HRC25


Strength PSI
alloy   Similar Castability Condition Tensile Yield    % Min Remarks
Designation Elong Hardness
302 AMS  AMS 5358 Excellent As Cast or 65,000 30,000 35 HRB85 Best combination of castability
CF-20 ASTM A 743 Solution Annealed
(J92501) MIL 5 81591  
303 AMS  AMS 5341  Good As Cast or 65,000 30,00 35 HRB85 Free machining stainless
CF-16F  ASTM A 743  Solution Annealed
(J92511) MIL 5 81591  
304 ASTM A 743 MIL 5 867 Excellent As Cast or Solution Annealed 65,000 30,000 35 HRB85 Better corrosion resistance than302 or 303
CF-8  HRB85 
304L AMS 5370 Excellent As Cast or 63000 28000 35 HRB85 Cryogenic applications,
CF-3 ASTM A 351 Solution Annealed
(J92700) MIL S 22216  
310 AMS 5366 Good As Cast or 60000 30000 35 HRB85 Oxidation resistance to 2,000°F
CK-20 ASTM A 351 Solution Annealed
(S31000) MIL S 22216  
316 AMS 5360 Excellent As Cast or 65000 30000 35 RB5 Food equipment;
CF-8M ASTM A 351 Solution Annealed
(J92900) MIL S 867  
347 CF- (J92710) 8C AMS 5362 Very Good As Cast or 70000 32000 30 HRB85  
ASTM A 351 Solution Annealed Weldable grade, stable to 1500°F
MIL S 81591    
CN-7M ASTM A 351 Good As Cast or 65000 25000 25 HRB80 Sulfuric acid resistant
(J95150) ASTM A 743 Solution Annealed


Strength PSI
Alloy Castability Condition Tensile Tensile Yield %Elong Brinell Strength Machinability
(UNS Nbr) Hardness
MIL I 11466                
Class 1 Very Good HeatTreated 120000 90000 2 HB243
2 Very Good HeatTreated 100000 75000 4 HB203
3 Very Good HeatTreated 85000 60000 6 HB179
4 Very Good HeatTreated 80000 60000 3 HB163
5 Very Good HeatTreated 60000 45000 10 HB121
6 Very Good HeatTreated 60000 40000 18 HB121
60-40-18(F32800) Very Good As Cast 60,000 40,000 18 HB121  Lowest  Easiest
60-45-10 Very Good Heat Treated 60,000 45000 10 140-200  Low  Easy
60-45-12(F33100) Very Good As Cast 60,000 45000 12 HB121  Low  Easy
60-45-15(F33100 ) Very Good HeatTreated 60,000 45000 15 140-190  Low  Easy
80-55-06(F33800) Very Good As Cast 60,000 55000 6 HB163  Medium  Medium
80-60-03(F34100 ) Very Good As Cast 80000 60000 3 HB163  Medium  Medium
100-70-03(F34800) Very Good Heat Treated 80000 70000 3 240-300  High  Medium
120-90-02 Very Good Heat Treated 100000 90000 2 275-350  High  Medium
Ni-Resist(F47001) Very Good Heat Treated 120000 90000 8 140-200  low  Medium


Alloy Castability Condition Min  Ultimate Tensile  % Remarks
Hardness Strength PSI Elongation
Ni-Hard Very Good Stress relieved or deep frozen and stress relieved HRC55 40,000 Nil Excellent abrasion resistant white iron
Type I
Ni-Hard Very Good Stress relieved or deep frozen and stress relieved HRC55 40,000 Nil More resistant to  spalling  than Ni-Hard Type I

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